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3:23 a.m. - 02/24/2018
So this is it? This is what happens when my dreams die and I have to settle for what's lying around. Dates, and more than one weekend rendezvous with not so random men who I have lukewarm feelings for.
Is that what I am destined for? Am I rediculous for thinking that me and you know who were soul mates? Maybe we are. In spite of all of this I still feel an incredible connection with him.
If only things were different.
If only my mom weren't such a bitch.
I did a lot of bad things.
But it was a result of incredibly stressful circumstances. Why did my mom have to be so crazy and such a bitch? Why couldnt she just let us live peacefully? Why did she have to ruin a potential happy ending?
Maybe I was bever destined for a happy ending. Just a practical, lukewarm one with someone like the hot guy with the small penis I'm dating.

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