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8:18 a.m. - 7/7/2006
Back in DC
So here I am in DC. Work sucks. waking up early sucks. not being around my friends sucks. but at least i'm getting paid lots of money. So that's good. and even though i hate it here, I think its good for me. I'm not preoccupied with stuff that upsets me anymore, although those thoughts do creep into my head every now and then. my mom is getting all of her cats back, and I do enjoy thier company. Pets really are good therapy. I'll probably start hanging out with my old highschool frineds who are here soon, so I won't be too bored. And keeping so busy with work exhausts me so I have no problem falling asleep at night, I'm not up all night thinking about things that upset me. I literally just pass out as soon as I hit my bed. I've also taken up crocheting and gotten really good at it, so its something to do to occupy my time and keep my mind off of stuff. but still i wish i were in Tallahassee enjoying my last summer as a college student, not in DC spending it like a grown up.
I'll end with a little bit of info that most of you don't care about but it really tickles me. Kaaboose, one of my cats, is blind and is really tiny, at a year old she still looks like a kitten, has been goign around the house sniffing everything and hissing and growling at inanimate objects that she doen't recognize the smell of. it's really cute. all the other cats look at her like she's crazy. She does it all day long. Chairs, pictures, tables, bags, she's ready to attack. And she loves me so with her super sense of smell as soon as I walk in the door she comes running to me and sniffing at me until I pick her up, hissing at any object she passes in her way. Oh and when I pick her up she hisses at my hair too becasue last time she saw me i had braids. it's the cutest thing ever.

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