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Currently listening to: You owe me and IOU - Hot Hot Heat

Current Mood: complacent

10:25 a.m. - 04/17/2007
Good Things
So aside from the fact that I'm beginning to loathe going to work every morning my life is pretty good right now. Things actually seem to be working out for me for change. So here's my list of good things:
I got a job at the zoo doing behavioral observation
Because of this job I now have contacts for the animal sciences program at UMD and people who can give me letters of recommendation and feild work experience
My mom is starting to lighten up and actually speak to her family again
Andre won a cruise to the Bahamas and he's taking me with him
I got back in touch with my oldest friend Terrance. I've known him for almost 20 years and he used to live around the corner from me. He's like my big brother and before Friday I hadn't talked to him in about 3 or 4 years.
And there is about a 95% chance that Joe is going to take the job at PTO and move to DC after he graduates. Who would have thought he would end up not only applying for a job in the DC areas, but also at the place where my mom works.

So yeah I think I'm most excited about starting my job at the zoo. I have my training the first weekend in May and I start the week after that, weather pending. I'll be monitoring free ranging glts and they can't be out in temperatures under 60 so we can't start until it actually warms up here.

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