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Currently listening to: She's a Rejector - Of Montreal

Current Mood: annoyed

2:01 p.m. - 04/20/2007
sex bullshit
You know what I hate? All the bullshit that people have to go through before the sex happens. That's why I don't like dating people I'm not already friends with because essentially it's just a prelude to sex. Each person is being fake trying to impress the other one so that they can get laid. That's why I like to get the sex out of the way right away. So there's nothing hanging over the relationship. After the sex if they still feel like dating then I'll feel a lot better about it because what reason do they have to be phony then. And if they don't want to still date me then I'm glad I didn't waste time with them. I also hate it when a booty call is disguised and it's all awkward. Like I absolutely hate it when a certain someone calls me and asks me to hang out and then we sit there forcing conversation even though we no longer have anything in common other than our lust for each other, before we actually do waht we both know we're there for. I also hate it when I have sex with someone and they think it means something, and expect me to like them or to call them or want it to happen again. Just so everyone knows I'm not that kind of girl.

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