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Currently listening to: there you were - jessica simpson

Current Mood: unstable

8:23 a.m. - 06/07/2007
back and forth, hot and cold
So yesterday my feelings seriously bounced back and forth between these 2 guys all day. I started out being all about the guy who looks good on paper, then I was sitting in my staff meeting bored per usual and my thoughts started drifting to the other guy and i started to feel physically ill just thinking about never being with him again so I was back to him. Then I started thinking more about him and all of the bad stuff that happened between us and realized that I would probably never be able to trust him so I bounced back to the good on paper guy. Then when I got home from work I talked to Tiffany and we were talking about the other guy and talking about him and our relationship and my feelings for him out loud made me realize that I really do want him in spite of all of that bad stuff. I also briefly talked to my cousin Jasmine about them and she thinks I should "choose" him too. So I'm all set on him. The right before I went to bed I got a call from the other guy and I just love talking to him he is so adorable sometimes so I went to bed all set on him. And then this morning on my way to work I heard a song that reminded me of the other guy so I've flipped my feelings around again.

This is seriously getting kind of ridiculous. Is it really possible to be in love with two guys equally at the same time? Or am I just that unstable. I guess I really do need someone so perfect and so great that he literally sweeps me off my feet and makes me forget everyone else.

Meanwhile, did I mention that I found an apartment for Joe on Monday. It was so perfect I'm jealous I'm not gonna be the one living there but I know I'll be there to visit all the time. It's got 4 swimming pools, tennis courts, volly ball court, basket ball court, a shuttle to the metro and that takes you grocery shopping on sat and sun mornings, a convenience store, 2 fitness centers, one that does classes, they serve free starbucks coffee in the office, they're building an amphitheatre for concerts and a movie screening room. If you want them to they will paint an accent wall for you before you move in at no charge and paint it back when you move out. (joe thinks that's silly female stuff though) There are trash chutes on each floor and freight elevators in each building to help with move in. And it's only like 2 miles away from PTO. Oh and the apartment he signed for has a view of the potomac river. Joe was however disappointed when I informed him that although he has a view of the potomac he will not be able to jump from his 10th story window into it lol. Unfortuantely it's like a 35 minute metroride away from my house but it's not that bad because it's a straight shot and I don't have to transfer or anything. His move in date is the 15th of august and I am really excited about him moving here. Who would have ever thought all those years ago when i lured him to my bed and tried to rape him lol that we'd be so close now.

And does everyone notice what I just did here?

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