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Current Mood: DISGUSTED!!!

7:52 a.m. - 06/12/2007
Dirty old men
I am so completely grossed out right now because this morning on the bus this old ugly guy had the nerve to ask me out. He lives in my neighborhood and I remember when I was in high school seeing him all the time and being grossed out by him because he was always staring at me lustfully. And this is when I was only like 14. So in the past few years he's started making conversation with me on the bus and I've been polite but always made sure to be standoffish because I could tell that he was still staring at me lustfully. I always say hello to him if i see him on the bus but make sure to sit somewhere where there's someone sitting in front of me and behind me so that he can't switch seats and spark up conversation and I'm quick to pull out a book or put on my ipod to show I'm really not interested. Unfortunately this morning the bus wasn't crowded so he moved to sit in front of me and proceeded to tell me about how he likes to go to movies and go to eat at nice places and asked me if I wanted to go with him sometime. GROSS!!!! I wanted to tell him how grossed out I was and how he should be ashamed because he's probably older than my father and what the hell would make an old ugly balding man think that someone like me would actually even consider going out wiht him. But I didn't. I was polite and just informed him that I had a boyfriend. Hopefully his embarassment at the rejection means he'll stop trying to make awkward conversation with me.

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