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1:05 p.m. - 04/7/2006
Beware nice guys: I am poisen!
I am poisen. I find nice guys and somehow after dating me they turn into inconsiderate assholes. This is the 2nd time this has happened to me. I find a nice guy to fall in love with, someone who loves me for me and not for sex, and then over timethey gradually become just like the rest of them. I don't know whether its that dating them gives them confindence or what but somehow in these situation where my friends all feel that I am doing charity work in dating them, I'm the one who ends up getting hurt in the end. It not fair.I wish that I had never met Jacob. The only good thing that came out of our relationship was the fact that I met Michelle through him.
I've had enough heartache to last me a lifetime. I don't know if I can take anymore. Each and every bad relationship freezes a part of my heart. The ones that start out with the nice guys, freeze it even more, and after Jacob, I don't think that there's any part of it left thats not frozen to stone.
I'll never be happpy. I'm destined to be alone forever. My one prospective no longer really likes me and thinks that I'm a liar becasue of Jacob. I should have gone with my instinct and cut Jacob out of my life completely a long time ago. But no, I felt sorry for him. I thought he loved me so much that his world would collapse without me. Boy was I wrong.
The first skank that comes along makes him forget all about me. I'm sorry I wasted so much time. I'm sorry I let myself care about him and love him. I'm sorry that I gave him a chance. He wasn't worth it. Everything he's cost me is not worth our fake relationship. What an asshole. Why is it that guys are so easily tempted by skanks. How is it that he's willing to completely disregard a two year relationship becasue some skank handcuffs him and makes out with him. Oh and she likes his kiss. If it weren't for me he wouldn't have that kiss. I spent two years modifying his kiss to be good. The first time I kissed him it was horrible. It was a disaster. I hate the fact that some skank is benefitting from all of my hard work.
I am poisen. If you're a nice guy stay away from me becasue you will become an asshole. It's just what I do.

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