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11:54 a.m. - 08/17/2006
Everybody mark your calendars! I'm coming back to Tally in just a little over a week! I can't wait to get back and see all my friends. Although I must admit I am going to miss my grown up friends here. The time passed by a lot quicker than I thought it would. See what happens when you start having fun.

Oh and the quote of the day is:
"Don't chase after men or buses, there's always another one coming." Wise words from my boss Regina, I thought that was so funny, and so true. I'm gonna miss her, and Virginia and Jennifer. My 3 other mommies.

Moving on the song of the day, well actaully of my life the past few days is Konstantine, by who else? Something Corporate of course. I swear I've listened to that song about 500 times in the past week. It's jsut such a good song and reminds me so much of a certain situation of mine.I'm tempted to stick the lyrics in here for those of you who have not had the pleasure of hearing theri music, but its a 9 minute song, so thats a lot of words, so I won't.

I was reading my old blogs and I swear it seems like a totally different person. I can't believe I felt that way b/c of Jacob of all people. Well its something to laugh about now.

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