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2:39 a.m. - 11/21/2003
Homecoming Weekend
Homecoming Weekend. Where do I begin? I guess at the beginning. Jenn has been presuring me to catch up on last weekend, so here goes, from the beginning.

Erin arrived on Thursday night. In case you don't know, Erin is Kersten's best friend in the entire world, who now lives in New York and works at Macy's. How awsome is that? She gets a discount there. DO you know how much I love going shopping at that MAcy's in New York? I would love to be in her place right now.... But anyway, I digress.

So Erin and Kersten went to some bars, leaving Jenn and I to babysit Branden. We made him Pizza topped with spaghetti and dealt wiht his bb gun and his farting in our faces. Kersten and Erin got back at like 3 am drunk off their assess. Then Kersten had wild sex with Branden on the dining room table.


Let me tell you about Friday. All the waiting. Yousee, Ricky told Jenn that him and McPhee (the guy who I am insexuated with)would be here around 3 pm, so we wake up and get all prettied up and 3 pm comes and they're not here, we even put on the matching I love New York shirts that Erin bought for us. At 5 they're still not here so Jenn and i decide to take a walk. We go to JP and bang on Danny and Chad's door, but they're not there. So we decide to go to Jacob's to borrow some paper to leave them a note, and who do we run into on the way? None other than Chad and Danny. They decided to have a party after all. So we talk to them some and then leave, hoping our men will be there wehn we get back.

Guess what? they're not. SO we make a sandwhich and then decide to take a nap in my bed. Then finally around 6:30 or 7 Ricky shows up. Just Ricky. No McPhee. MAn am I pissed. I was so looking forward to that good sex. But Ricky says he has a midnight jump so he can't come tongiht. I was so mad. And suddenly at the prospect of me not being able to have sex that night i go crazy and need to have sex. I'm a sex maniac. Danny promises tyo hook me up wiht a hottie if I promise to behave and not get sloppy drunk. So I agree to his terms and try to calm down my hormones.

PArty time.

The party starts out pretty gay with a bunch of girls and no guyys. I try 3 times to recruit with Danny but he keeps getting distracted. So finbally I go and recruit with Jenn, and guess what? We did a damn good job. Pretty sonn the party is great. There is a nice blen between guys and girls. Erin adn Kersten leave to go to a bar. And then it happened. The keg got tapped.

And me being the generuos soul that I am offered $20 to get a new one. ANd guess who I ended up in the car with?> None other than Chris. Chris who was at the party with his girlfriend so I had been staying away from. ANd do you know what he told me, with Danny and Eric in the back seat? HE said that his girl was leaving at 2 and that he would hook up wiht me that night. Me being the ho that I am agreed and that was that. I had my hook up set for the night. So we bought the keg, went back to the party and waited for Chris's girlfriewnd to leave. In the mdst of the waiting, I had several interesting conversations wiht several different guys. Joe being one of them, and t his guy Carlos from my swimming class who I have never spoken to before being another. I had fin at the party.

The his girlfriend left, so Jenn, Ricky, Chris and I all went back to the APT. Kerstne and Erin arrived not too soon after us, and we orderes pizza. Jenn and I both horny bastards at the time decided to have sex until the pizza came, then come and get each other to eat, then go back to the sex. That's what happened. The sex was fabulous. I think at some point I hit my head on the wall or something becasue the next mornign I woke up with a horrible headache.

Saturday. I spent the day bumming around. Then I was forced to drin that night. Oh, by the way McPhee didn't come on Saturday either because he was jumping or whatever until late Saturday night. But anywawy, at one point Chris was gonna come over with his girl becasue he thoguht Mcphee would be there for me. Thank god he didn't becasue that would have just been a very awkward situatioon. I know he has a girlfriedn, but dude, I don't wanna mett her, that's just a little too scandelous for me. Well anyway, him and Robbie came over without girls and we were all just chillin becasue Ricky bought A keg. I was feeling like crap because of my headache and everybody was bithcing at me to drink, but I really couldn't. FInally Zach, being the great neighbor that he is gave me soome tylenol and pretty soon I was feelign great. So nere's what went down, we debated over stating or moving the keg to JP. We met our next door neighbors. We finally decided on JP. Bobby, Mac, and some new guy showed up and Ricky went to the bar with them, oh and Erin went too. Ricky came back early becasue he missed Jenn, he was very drunk. ANd then we moved the party to JP. There I still didn't get too drunk beofre Kersten got fucked up from a keg stand and had to go home. She and MAc were supposed to go get the car but were both so drunk they just walked home, so here we are waitng and waiting and they don't show up. But wait, before that Jenn told me too hook up with soem guy she called "leather jacket guy." "His last name's Hanson so when you fuck him he'll go mmmbop." I hadn't met him yet but when I did I decided I would set my sites on him for the night.

But anyway everyone decided to walk home since Kersten and MAc never showed up with the car, but Jenn was no where to be found. She was off smoking out with Robbie and some other guys. Everyone else left and I stayed there waiting for her. I called and she said she was leaving right away and would be back to the party in 10 minutes. 20 minutes later she still hasn't shown up and I'm getting pisssed. I call her back and she still hasn't left and Ricky starts getting mad and over reacting and all this bullshit drama is created becasue he doens't trust her with all those guys or some crap like that I don't know. Well finally Jenn gets her drunken high self back to the party and she and Ricky argue and overdramafy the situation and get into it seriously. BEcasue he says he's done wiht her even though he loves her becasue he's leaving in February and Jenn gets mad that he lied to her about leaving and blah blah blah. The whole thing was a serious buzz kill.

In the meantime, while they're being gay about their relationship, I spy leather jacket guy standing by himslef, and decide to go over and talk to him. We have a nice conversation about how we're both chill people and about how stupid it is to gwet all worked up over stupid shit. We also talk about how annoying it can get being around people who create so much drama when they're drunk (Jenn and Ricky for example). Well anyway, Ricky left Jenn and came over to talk to us just as Chris walks by and asks me if I wanna go talk. I say yes and we go behind the building and have sex on the airconditioning vent.

Anyway when I'm done with that I go back to the party and everyone appears to be gone. No army guys, no Jenn. SO I call JEnn's cell phone and she's happy to hear form me because she thought that everyone had left her at the party. SHe told me that she was near Arty's building and tells me to meet her there. SO as I'm walking Jenn and Arty pull up next to me in Arty's car and we go to Arty's apt to use the bathroom. Oh I forgot the drama wiht Arty. BEcasue of the whole punching incident, Arty Dre and Larry apparently came to a decision that none of us were allowed in their apartment anymore. But he let Jenn and I in as long as we weren't in the company of Ricky. Anyway, Jenn and Arty talked for about 5 minutes privately and then Arty made Jenn wash her foot in his tub because it was all muddy from some guy pushing her in the dirt or soemthing. And then we left. Arty offered to give us a ride home but Jenn wanted to go back to the party and get some more beer.

So we go back to the party to fill up our cups and we see that Brandon is still there so Jenn and I wait around for him to leave but he's taking forever becasue of something about the keg getting stolen and he was also flirting with some chick. In the meantime I call home to see if Kerssten and Mac made it there okay and Kersten tells me that Ricky is mad at jenn and that he left and got a hotel room. When I tell this to Jenn she starts crying and there's some more buzz killing drama. We wait on Branden to leave so that Jenn can go and talk to Ricky and he's still taking forever, so Jenn and I decide to walk. ON the walk Jenn was yelling profanities and talkign about how love sucks.

When we finally got home Ricky was there and he and Jenn went off to talk or soemthing. I hung out in Kersten's room with Kersten Bobby and Erin attempting to get drunk and telling them about the hell I had just been through witht he Jenn and Ricky drama. Mac and leather jacket guy got back with Branden, and the keg that had been stolen and we kind of continued the party at our apt. Three girls and 3 guys who we didn't know also showed up there. Oh and Chris and RObbie came also. Jenn and I didn't really like the girls that were there and we were hungrey so we got Robbie and Chris to take us to McDonald's. Whenn we got back the people we didn't know were gone, and apparently while we were gone one of the guys stripped for my video camera.

Well anyway I told Chris that I couldn't hook up with him that night becasue my "boyfriend" might find out, and I asked "leather jacket guy" if he wanted to be my dance partner and join MAc and Kersten who were dancing in my room. He said yes and by like the fourth song we were ready to rip each other's clothes off. So we kicked Mac and Kersten out and had sex. Kersten and Mac went down to teh car and had sex there and apparently during sex she asked him if his wife fucked him like that.

Well anyway that was basically the weekend. Friday ngith was fun. Saturday night I didn't get drunk because of Jenn and Ricky, but at least I got laid. The sex was good, but I think it could have been better so I'd like to do him again. McPhee never showed up and I'll proabably never see the best sex I've ever had in my entire life again. So that sucks. But oh well whatever. Oh and by the way Jenn and Ricky are fine now and more homo and lovey dovey than ever.

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