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8:09 a.m. - 9/25/2003
Family Drama
You know I am really sick of all this family drama that's been going on. Nobody's talkign to Grandma, and she's not talking to them, and all becasue of TJ. Grandma is being really stupid when it comes to him. He was fine with Tajuana, but for some reason she doesn't want him with her. So now as of today's court hearing, poor little Antonio Jr. is in a foster home. That really upsets me. Grandma would have rather had him be with total strangers than be with Tajuana. I feel so bad for him. Think of how rejected he must feel that his family doesn't want him. First his father gives him away and now the rest of his family does too. That can't be good for his mental stability, and god knows he doesn't need anything shaking that up anymore. I'm sure Jasmine is upset about it also, even though I'm also sure that she won't tell anybody about it. I feel so bad for these kids. What a rough life they've had. Tony is such an asshole, how could he allow this to happen to his children?

So now TJ has been ripped from his family and everyone is mad at eevryone else, and none of this would have ever happened if Tony would have just taken care of and protected his children like a decent father. It takes so much to make me hate someone, and I can honestly say that I hate him with great passion for what he did to Jasmine and TJ. I'm kind of angry at grandma for allowing TJ to be placed in foster care, rather than with Tajuana, but she has done too much for me in the past for me to hate her for this spiteful decision.

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