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8:15 a.m. - 11/6/2003
My fucked up family
I swear, I wish all this stupid family drama would just end already.

So today was another court date about TJ and my mother and Tajuana showed up and at some point my mother called grandma a witch and said that she hopes she drops dead. Can you believe that? I've been leaning towards my mother's side on this whole issue becasue I too hate Tony for the whole situation, and am against TJ being in a foster home, however, that was uncalled for. Grandma is over the age of 70, and pretty soon she will die. I hate the thought of it, but it happens when people get old. I think it was really fucked up for my mother to say such a thing to her elderly mother, over something so stupid. Especially since grandma has done things for us throughout the years and helped us. She did help my mother get her house, and paid my tuition at St. John's so that I could graduate. I understand her anger. And I can even understand her calling her a witch. But it just sickens me to think that she could tell her to drop dead.

Now I haven't talked to my mom today, so Grandma could be overexaggerating, so I will giver her the benefit of the doubt. But the whole situatioon is fucked up. It's ashame that the whole family is being torn apart becasue of Ton't irresponsibility. He's such a jackass. How could he let this happen to his kids?

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