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9:44 a.m. - 2006-04-16
Stupid Lea.....

Here's the deal...
I really think I might love this guy (not Jacob btw). He's super hot, really really smart, I feel like he gets me, we have similar tastes in thinkgs, and similar interests to a point, but our differences are complemetary of each other in my opinion. I love his company. Seriosly, the tow of us could be just sitting around doing absolutely nothing but talking, and I have the time of my life.

I think I might have ruined the possibility with this stupid Jacob drama. I hope I didn't. And maybe it was never there, it was just me wishful thinking. But I saw him for just a short while today, and he looked so super hot, and everything he said just made me like him even more even though it wasn't even really anything, and I cna't stop thinking about him.

He is seriously the best person ever. Smart, Hot, interesting, and just a good person all around. I hope he likes me. Probably not though. I can be so stupid sometimes. I really like him.

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