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9:45 a.m. - 2006-05-14
Baker Act Bullshit

Guess where I spent Tuesday Night, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday?
Locked up in a psych ward. Jacob told his friedn the cop that he was worried I would kill myself so the Baker Acted me. I think the whole baker act thing is bullshit. I hate it. I was not suicidal, but becuse a police officer sayss I am I have to be locked up for 72 hours. The whole thing made me angry, but I got over it. By the 3rd day I got used to all the schizos walking around. I'm just glad to be out.
Apparently I have a borderline personality disorder and impulse control disorder. Anyway. My friedns threw me a loony bin luau yeesterday to celebrate my release. Kersten surprised me by coming to town and bringing me flowers and beer.

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