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2:35 a.m. - 10/28/2003
Saturday Night PArty
Saturday Night.

It all started with Jenn Kersten Danny and I sitting in our living room trying to decide what we would do for the night. We couldn't go out becasue it was FAMU's homecoming and all the clubs were taken over by FAMU students.

So someone brings up the suggestion of having a party. We couldn't have one here becasue of the neighbor problem, so we suggested having it at Danny's apt. Being the old man that he is, he refused for quite some time becasue it was so last minute and he didn't think anyone would show up, but JEnn, Kersten and I can be quite persuasive. So we got a keg and started a party at Danny's.

After some recruiting done by Jenn and Danny, there were a ton of people there. Most of them guys, but hey, that doesn't bother me. Jenn, Kersten and I were Tori, Ashley, adn Priscilla, and everyone we met that night really think that those are our names. A security guard came by and we thought the party would get broken up but he was just there to have a beer. I was the first of many to do a keg stand. Oh and the army guys were there. At around 2:15 the keg was tapped. We thought the party was over but then this guy reminded everyone of Daylight Savings TIme ending that night so it was technically only 1:15. Jenn's army guy Ricky offered to purchase the keg, so me, this Chris guy, Jenn and Ranger Rick went to halftime kegs to buy another one.Chris was a crazy driver and we were so sure we would get pulled over. He was swerving and cutting people off. But we were lucky, and made it back to the party in one peice. Whne we got back to the party Chris announced that he had stolen me for the night. (Yeah, whatever guy) But I did go outside with him and we started making out, but luckily i was rescued by Jenn and Ricky who told Chris that I was with them.

Oh, side note on the Jenn and Ricky situation. All night she kept being told by the other army guys that she had to be nice to him this weekend becasue if not he was goign to make them all cut grass with nail clippers, becasue he's a sergent and they're all privates. It wasn't looking to good for them becasue Jenn was drunk and on a quest to find her soul mate that night.

Anyway, back to the party. After dancing a but and giving Chad's cousin a lap dance(due to Chad's constant pestering) Chris stole me again. We went outside behind the building and made out some more, and I got away from him by lying and saying that Ricky was Jenn's boyfirend and one of the other army guys was mine and they would beat him up if they casght us together.

BAck at the party, I had a few beers and once again I was taken by Chris (he's a persistant one). He just wanted me to drive to the gate to give the security guard some more beer. I agreed to go, but dragged Jenn and Alex along. When we got out of the car, instead of going back to the party, we somehow ended up at the tennis and vollyball courts, and Jenn started rolling around in the sand with Alex, leaving me with Chris and I was really really drunk, so I somehow eneded up having sex with him in the grass. But only half sex, we ddin't finish becasue he said it was only a preview for next week, or something like that. By the way he thinks my name is Priscilla.

When we got back to the party, there were even more people there and before I even got back into the apartment I was approached by a ton of different guys all trying to talk to me. Jenn announced to everyone that we took so long becasue we got arrested. We looked in on Kersten and she was engaging in sexual acts with some guy in the hallway and had an audience, so we didn't bother her. Not long after we had grabbed more beer, we realized that the army guys were gone, which left us with two problems. 1)they were the last ones wiht Jenn's cell phone, and 2) with them gone who would get rid of these guys for us.

So the next thing I know Jenn, Alex, and I are in the car with Chris again, going to try to find the army guys' hotel. All we knew was that it was behind the Days Inn on Monroe. Beofre we get there we manage to get in touch with one of them and get the actual name of the hotel and the room number, and also learn that Danny has Jenn's cell phone. Jenn and I went up to the hotel room and told Alex and Chris to call my cell phone in 10 minutes if we're not back. And they do, and we have Ricky answer he phone and tell them that we are passed out becasue we decided we'd rather stay with them than ride in the car with psycho Chris again. Chris refuses to leave and Ricky, Jeremy and army Chris go down there and tell them to leave. Psycho Chris still refuses and is ready to fight them until he sees me and I tell him to leave. So I went down there and they left. I felt bad for leaving Alex with this guy, but whatever. I know we're assholes.

After that me, Jenn, Ricky, Jeremy and Army Chris went back to our apartment. I had fabulous sex with Jeremy again and Jenn went to bed with Ricky, and Kersten ended up with Chris who was originally left out in the living room to sleep on the floor. Around noon Jenn came in my room and keicked Jeremy out of the bed becasue she needed to talk to me. Not long after that Ricky came in and I found myself in bed with jenn and ricky again, just like last week.


That was the night. The second keg got tapped, and overall the party was a huge success. Danny agreed. ANd to think he didn't even want to have the party.

The next day the army guys stayed for what seemed like forever. But I guess they can be pretty cool guys so I ddin't mind that much. They're coming back again next week. I think we might be stuck with them form now on. Especially since Ricky is so in love with Jenn.

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