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2:33 a.m. - 10/21/2003
What a weekend!!
Okay, so this weekend was definitely an interesting one, to say the least. We made it a liquor weekend and decided to take a break away from beer.

On Friday night we purchased a huge bottle of bacardi and attempted to make daqueris, however we had some blender problems, so we ended up taking shots, but not before mixing this disgusting concoction of bacari (and lots of it) ONe of the mixers, and a wine cooler.

Yeah, it was really gross, but me being the trooper that I am decided to finish it. We couldn't waste all of that good liquor that went into it.

Zack, our neighbor came over and we told him that the three of us were illigitimate sisters, we all had different mothers but the same father, and our last naem was Montgomery.... If he ddin't already know our first names we would tell him that I was Priscilla, Jenn was Victoria, Tori for short, and Kersten was Ashley..... But anyway I digress, he believeed us probably becasue he was really drunk. After that the night gets kind of hazy for me becasue I suddenly got really drunk, but Danny came over and I do remember telling him about my life and asking him to analyze me becasue I'm having an identity crisis.... I don't really remember all of what he said (which is probably for the best since he was really drunk too) But some of the things he said did make a lot of sense so I told him I was making him my therapist. Quincy and Travis came over but Jenn was on a drive with Arty during which she passed out from drunkeness, and Quincy wasn't happy about that.... So I hear, I barely rememebr them coming over. Well anyway, then in my drunken stupor I decided that I wanted to go swimming even though it was only like 60 degrees outside, so Zack and I went down to the pool and I practiced my butterfly stroke... I remember nothing after the pool, but from what I hear, I was standing around and all of a sudden out of nowhere I say "Go ahead, talk to me about anything... I'll understand everything... Why? BEcasue I'm a ballerina" Then with Jenn's encouragement I started doing ballet moves.... I have absolutely no idea where that came from, but I guess osme of the things you do when you're drunk just aren't meant to be understood.

Now on to Saturday night. Okay, so we buy a bottle of ciclon and decide to take shots of it, and also the little bit of left over bacardi from Friday. After a few shots I get a call from my mom who wants me to turn on a movie about teh DC sniper and who keeps me on the phone for quite some time discussing it becasue when the shootings were happeneing she didn't watch the news, so all of this stuff that I already knew happened was shocking her. Well sometime while I was on the phone, Jenn's shots hit her and she got really really really drunk... And she keeps coming into my room while I'm on the phone with my mom, and I'm trying to keep her quiet and keep talking to my mom at the same time. Then she goes into my closet, and is determined to find a skirt, and is pulling through my clothes looking for one. I somehow manage to get my mom off the phone and i give jenn a skirt and go back into the kitchenb to take some more shots becaseu I am completely sober compared to her. Three skirts for Jenn later, and several more shots for me later, we all decide to walk to Jefferson Pointe.

So we're walking down High Road, Jenn and I both looking like hookers in our short black skirts, and heels, when a car full of guys pulls over. Jenn stops to talk to them, and they ask us where we're going and hand Jenn and I beers and tell us to get drunk.

Then Kersten turns around and goes to talk to them, and after talkign to them decides to bring them home with us, so we catch up with Jenn who by that time was at the JP gate and so determined to go to JP that she threw her shoes over the gate. We somehow get Jenn's shoes and she and I walk back to our apt with 2 guys while Kersten rides in the car with the other 3.

Now after the walk my memory starts to get a little blurry becasue the shots finally hit me, so here's what I remember. They were special forces army rangers or something like that from some fort in Georgia I think. We told them the Montgomery story and I think they believed it...Well I know they definitely believed that Jenn and I were Priscilla and Tori, I think Kersten had already told them her real name. Okay, so I wrestled with one of them becasue I sometimes develop this complex where I have to be able to outdo guys... Of course I didn't win the wrestling match, but I did better than they expected.

The next thing I remember is being in my bathroom with Kersten who was feeling sick becasue the shots finally hit her. Then two of the guys came in and I told one of them that I would go with him to show him where to buy more beer, but we somehow went from my bathroom straight to making out on my bed and never made it to the store that night.

When Kersten's done puking the other guy carries her out of my bedroom, and into her room, and i guess they started having sex. Jenn kept walking in my room interrupting me becasue I guess she didn't want to be left alone with the rest of the guys but eventually I guess she gave in to one guys advances.

When I was done I wanted to get back at jenn for walking in on me so many times so I walked in her room and sat down in her desk chair while both of tehm were in teh bed naked and had like a 15 minute conversation with them. About what? Who knows, but I think at one point I was demonstrating fake orgasm noises.

The rest of the night is really a blur but I remeber having sex with that guy like 2 more times, and going to the hot tub with him and him taking out our trash (wasn't that nice).

Then around 9 am Jenn came into my room and woke me up becasue she was sick, and we tried to order a pizza, and the woman who answered the phone thought we were crazy becasue it was so early. So Jenn passed out on my floor, and Kersten came in my room, completely naked, and asks the naked guy in my bed why he was naked becasue she was drunk and wasn't wearing her contacts and thought it was Jenn. When kersten realized it was a guy and not jenn she asked for soemthing to cover up with and when I gave her my green and purple swirl blanket she put it on but whined about how much she hated that blanket and about how gay it was.

The people in my room were awakened again around noon by jenn's guy who wanted to know why she was sleeping on my floor. We talked and he learned Tori's real name was Jenn, and wasn't too happy about that. They called their friends, who had left sometime during the night while I was "occupied," to pick them up and that was that.

Except we now have reason to believe that Kersten's guy is in love with her in a psycho kind of way, and that he stole her pants, And Jenn's guy is obssessed with her and keeps calling her. Me I never have any problems with clingy guys...Why? Becasue I know how to treat my hos like hos. I know this sounds bad, but when I was with that guy I didn't even know his name.


That was my weekend. Never a dull moment right. Can you believe we picked up guys on the side of the road? I can't. Oh well at least we had fun and got laid.

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