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2:31 a.m. - 10/6/2003
The past 2 weekends summed up
It's a littel after noon and I just got back from a morning adventure with Jenn. We woke up extremely early and arrived at the car dealership at 7:30. We dropped off the car and with the hope that it would be done in an hour or so we decided to walk across the street to the mini shopping center while it was being fixed. There we tried to kill time by eating breakfast at Burger King, walking through Walgreens, and walking down the street to the Circle K and buying lottery tickets (we won $1 by the way). After that it was only 9:15, so we decided to go into Publix. There we walked down every single aisle admiring how much nicer and organized it was compared to the Publix near our apt. When we were done there, it was 10:00, so the Hobby Store was open. We walked through the store and were shocked at how many detailed supplies they have for building model cities. Then we saw some puzzles and decided to look for a jigsaw puzzle we like to kill time until the car was done. We didn't find one there, and they were all kind of expensive too. So we went back to walgreens to look for one, and actually found a nice one for $2. We were in line to buy it when Jenn got the call saying her car was ready. So we went to pick up the freshly washed car with a trunk that actually closes, and went home. Now jenn is finally goign to bed, but I have to stay up to go to campus and get my football coupons in order to try to make some money selling my Miami one. I'm so delusionally tired right now, and I have a paper due tomorrow, and 3 tests on Thursday.

Well anyway, I guess I'll take this time to sum up my weekend. In a nutshell, it pretty much sucked. Friday night we went to a party with Arty Dre and LArry, but we were the only people there who didn't speak Spanish, so it kind of sucked, but I got drunk, so it wasn't a total waste. Oh I got some guy's number too, but I don't really remember what he looks like. The party got broken up by the cops, so we went back to our apt, Kersten and I waled around naked looking for people, but were unsuccessful, then two of our neighbors came over and we hung out with them for a while. Nothing exciting or fun happened. Saturday was the same way, well actually it was worse. We bought wine coolers instead of beer or liquor for some reason, and they didn't get us drunk, and Kersten couldn't drink at all because she was feeling sick. So Jenn and I tried to get drunk with the intent of goign to JP and looking for a party, but by 3 we still weren't drunk so we were pretty much screwed. Our neighbor Zach came over and wouldn't leave. He just kept talking and talking. He was there for like 3 hours, and he didn't pick up on the hints that we wanted to go to sleep. Danny and Joe also stopped by very briefly. But yeah this weekend sucked.

Which reminds me, I didn't wirte about last weekend. Last Friday night there was a party at Arty and Dre's I had to face Herman even though I was seriously embarrassed about the whole 3some incident, but I blamed the whole thing on Jenn wanting to see Arty, and he believed me, so it worked out. Anyway, I got really drunk again, and was intent on having sex with Herman. I didn't, and Kersten's purse got stolen, luckily there was no mone or anyhting in it, but her makeup and our keys were in it, and it was a Gucci purse, so that sucked. She had to climb through my window in order for us to get into the apartment. Oh and when I got home I had some kind of breakdown over Duffie. I don't remember why becasue I was drunk, but I was really upset.

The next night Kersten's cousin Tiffany and her friend Michelle came to visit for the night. Nate also came over and he brought the mother of his child, Ashley, and the night started out boring, but got interesting pretty quickl. In addtiton to those people, Dre, Arty, Larry, Jacob, Chad, Chad's cousin, Danny and Joe also came over, so we kind of had a mini party. We actually go the cops called on us, but we had a 30 minute warning so by the time they got here, we had already had the music turned down and the lights out. Let's see, 4 people in the room were in love with Kersten, including Nate, and Ashley wans't too happy about that so she left him stranded here. There was also all this drama between Jenn and Arty. I don't know, the night had its ups and downs, but was overall fun.

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