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2:27 a.m. - 9/21/2003
A single woman
So, I have officially declared myself a single woman. Duffie and I are over. I can't believe that after all that we've been through, it's over. I wonder if we'll ever be friends again. I really hope so, becasue he still means a lot to me and I'll never stop caring about him. I have such a weakness when it comes to him. I really need to see him again to give myself closure, but maybe it's best that I won't, becasue if I do see him and he wants to get back together I know that I will.

Well moving on to less depressing stuff, Friday night we went to a keg party at Eric and Alex's house. It was fun, I got really drunk and ended up naked again. Not becasue I was hooking up with anyone, becasue I didn't, just becasue I wanted to be naked. I left my bra there though, and I don't think I'm getting it back. Anyway, Kersten had an intersting hook up experience with Eric. She basically learned that he's all talk and very little action. Jenn made out with Alex, and now he's totally obsessed. He has been text messaging her nonstop since Friday night. And that was Friday.

Saturday we got drunk at our apartment and got bored, so Jenn and I, in our drunken stupor decided that we were gonna go and have a threesome with Herman. So we went to JP, and knocked on his door. When there was no answer we went to all the windows and tried yelling his name, and when that didn't work we found a rock or something in the grass and wrote a note on the wall outside his door with it.... We pretty much made assess of oursleves. I am so embarrassed about the note, and the whole situation that I don't even want to see him anymore....Jenn and I should not be allowed to walk around unsupervised when we're drunk.

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