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2:26 a.m. - 9/14/2003
The weekend
So Friday night I really wanted to hook up with my hottie hottie Herman again, you know the guy form the grass, but unfortunately all the daqueris, shots, and the keg stand on a week old keg, caught up with me and made me sick. I don't even remember being sick. In fact the last thinkg I remember is taking shots wiht Jenn, trying to get drunk. Well I got drunk alright. A little too drunk, which just totally sucked. Apparently I puked all over the place and several times. How embarrassing.... I never get sick.

Anyway, Last night Danny and Joe came over and Danny passed out stranding Joe here. I invited him to sleep in my bed, where I proceeded to sexually harass him because I was wide awake, drunk and bored, with a hot guy in my bed. When the harassment was done we actually had some intersting converstations, during which I was completely naked. Which reminds me I really think Kersten has had a serious impact on me becasue I really like being naked now.

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