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12:45 a.m. - 11/29/2006
beware trips down memory lane
So, in the process of packing up my room I came across a very interesting book: My diary for the year 2002. And let me tell you, reliving the past canbe very dangerous.

It's amazing how your mind alters memories to make them the way you want them to be. Waht is written is very different from waht I remember. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a abd thing, or if its a good thing or a bad thing that I now know waht was really happening in those "memories." I leanred so much from reading that diary. He wasn't as bad as I made him out to be, I wasn't as innocent as I made myself out to be, and certain friends weren't as loyal as I remember them being.

But yeah, that's all I'll say about that, because like I said taking accurate trips down memory lane can be dangerous.

Speaking of trips down memory lane, I can't seem to get the memory of a certain guy out of my mind. Just when I say I'm completely through wiht him, he goes and does something to suck me rihgt back in. He is my weakness, for some reason I cna't resist him. And right now all I can think about is the day our lips will meet again.

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