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11:36 a.m. - 01/11/2007
catching up
I've been so busy with work and everything that I haven't written in here in ages. So let's do a brief catch up. The day before new Years Eve, Trisha, Andre, Colby and I woke up early and attempted to go for some breakfast mimosas. But apparently, nowhere in the DC area serves alcohol that early, so around noon, we finally just decided to go to TGIFriday's and have some drinks and lunch.
Trisha and I had 2 gilligan's islands and we got pretty drunk. I love hanging out wiht Trisha and Andre, they love to drink as much as I do, and we have so much fun when we do. But anyway, after getting drunk before 1 pm, we met up with Stephanie and went to the mall. I needed a new dress and some shoes for the Eve of the Eve at SJC that night. Shopping was annoying and exhausting mainly because my drunkeness turned to irritability after a while, and I couldn't find anything. SO I had to settle on a dress I already owned. I did get new shoes though.
Well anyway, Andre ended up falling asleep and not going (and still owes me $20 for the ticket) but I went with Trisha anad Stephanie and it was as fun as it could be. Trish and i got drunk off of thier "open bar" which was only free wine all night. We missed the countdown though because we were touring the school and they did it early so that they could kick us out at midnight. When we left the school we went to Local 16 to see James. When we got there Trisha realized how trahsed she was and decided to call it a night. I had 2 more drinks. I only wanted one, but the bartender got me and stephanie's orders all twisted and gave me a vodka and sprite and stephanie a malibu sour, so she wouldn't drink it, and I wan't gonna let perfectly good alcohol go to waste.
Needless to say i woke up the next morning with a massive hangover. It was so bad I didn't want to do anything for New Year's Eve.
After much debate everyone finally agreed against goign to New York, which made em ahppy becasue I didn't want to go and stand out in the cold all night. Had they gone they could have counted me out. We ended up goign to Norfolk and ringing in the New Year at Andre and Colby's house. It was fun. By that time I was feeling better, and able to drink, but not as much as I would have liked to.

Aside from that Nothing new or exciting has been goign on. It's pretty much been work, sleep, repeat. I finished reading that book, Cell, by Stephen King, that Joe recommended. It was really good. I couldn't put it down. I've decided to get into reading for fun all the time again, since I'm not in school anymore.
I still am no where near unpacking everything. Mainly becasue there's just no way in hell that it's all gonna fit in my room. I'm gonna buy some shelves and hooks for my room to make room for some stuff.
Oh my trip to visit Kersten got pushed back to February :( because of work. But when I do get there we've decided to get small matching tatoos. Maybe if this doesn't hurt to bad, then I'll finally get my bleeding heart.
My trip to Tally also got pushed back to the end of the month b/c of work. I can't wait to get there and party like a college student(isn't that weird? I'm not a college student anymore), and make Joe watch Great Expectations finally, lol he really thinks he got out of it b/c I moved away. And I can't wait to see everybody again. I miss my roomie William, always trying to make me go out and do things, and help him with his film stuff, and dragging me to All Saints, and smoking on the balcony. And I miss Thursday nights at Bullwinkles with Tiffany. And I miss hanging out at Joe's watching moives and talking until all hours of the morning. It's just not the same over the phone. I also miss things like BW3 and The Main Ingredient, and even All Saints.

It's really weird not having to worry about school or classes right now. Although I do have to take my GRE and get started with my grad school applications. it's great to be able to go home from work and not have to worry about it again until i get into work again. I think thats the best thing about the transitiuon from school to work, no homeowrk.
As much as I semi love my job at HUD, I'm looking for a job in a vet's office, or maybe at the zoo, to give me more experience with what actually want to do with my future. I dnon't want to get stuck in the government for the rest of my life, like my mom.

Anyway, I guess that's enough random rambling for now. I should really get back to work.

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