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8:19 a.m. - 01/22/2007
4 horsemen x 1 is enough... 4 horsemen x 2 is way too much......
So, Friday was Trisha and Tracy's 24th birthday, so we all went out to get drunk, me, trisha, tracy, stephanie, and some of tracy's friends. First we went to this club called avenue b/c there was free admission til 12 and open bar til 11. But by the time we got there, got inside, and frisked by the security guard, oh and had my lighter confiscated, it was past 11, and the club atmosphere just wan't that great, so we left to go to R&R lounge.
I had a lot of fun there, Trisha and I had 3 drinks each and 2 4 horsemen shots and we got trashed. SO much so that neither of us remembers the end of the night. Oh and we danced on the bar, whihc was actually pretty fun. But yeah apparently trisha got kicked out of the bar and I threw up everywhere. I woke up the next morning in my bed wearing someone else's pants, with no memory of how i got home, and a broken camera. Apparently tracy gave me pants to change into b/c I puked all over mine, and I kept dropping my camera, whihc is how it broke, which sucks because it's brand new. Hopefully it won't be to expensive to repair it. But aside from the parts that I don't remember and the fact that i was in bed all day the next day feeling terrible I had a lot of fun. And I learned a valuable lesson. One shot of 4 horsemen is enough!
The next night I went to dinner with the twins and friends at this thai restaurant. I was still feeling so sick from the night before though that I could barely eat. Against my better judgement I decided to go to local 16 with trisha and another friend of hers afterwards. But after my first drink I miraculously started to feel better. I only had 2 drinks though and didn't get drunk, but I still had fun. Getting home was a task though b/c none of the stupid taxis wanted to take me all the way home. I have to keep in mind to get their cab numbers next time and report them for that. So finally i found a cab driver who would take me home, but it was the most awkward drive ever. He kept telling me how beautiful i was and how he fell in love with me at first sight. And he kept asking me all of these personal questions. And I mean really waht do you do in a situation like that? I had to be friendly. If I was a bitch this guy could have very easily driven to some deserted place and raped and murdered me. So I decided to tell him all about my big scary jealous boyfriend and how much I love him. He started to back down a little after that, but not much. I was so weirded out, that I was sooo happy to finally get home and out of that cab.
So that was my weekend. next weekend I'll be in tally, so I'm sure lots of exciting stuff will happen. Hopefully I can get my camera repaired by then.

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