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5:00 p.m. - 03/13/2007
exciting news kind of sort of, well to me anyway
So I am very excited for a couple of reasons.
First I registered today for my first class as a graduate student at UMDCP! I'm happy because it takes me one step closer to my goal of being an animal behavioralist, but I'm not looking forward to worrying about schoolwork again. And to make matters worse, it's Organic chemistry. I need it as a prereq for biochemistry, which is required for my masters program. SO yeah I am definately not looking forward to taking organic chemistry, whihc I've heard horror stories about, and working at the same time.

Now the next reason I'm excited is more reason to be excited than starting up school again. I talked to Joe today, and guess what area he is planning on moving to if he gets the job in baltimore? College Park. How weird is that. And how awesome is that? It's just 15 minutes away from my house. And I'm goign to UMD's college park campus for school. I miss hanging out with Joe so much, and now I'll be able to again, and I won't have to drive an hour to baltimore to do it.

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