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8:45 a.m. - 03/05/2007
Back to the normal routine
So, it kind of sucks to be back in DC and back at work after my lovely 10 day vacation to Ft. Leonard Wood. There's not much to do there, but I had fun hanging out with my best friend in the entire world who I haven't been able to see since June. Finally on the day that I left we went and got our matching tattoos. They came out really good. We got vampire aunkhs on our backs. Mine is in violet and hers is teal. I've already decided that I must plan regualr trips there to visit her.
OH yeah I just realized I never wrote about what happened Firday night. Okay, so Kersten leanred a very valuable lesson. NEver leave me and Brandon together to drink unsupervised. We were having a "drinking contest" so we got seriously belligerently drunk. So much so that I don't even remember most of the night and poor Kersten was completely sober. Apparently we spent the better part of the night annoying the hell out of her before we just randomly disappeared without telling ehr to go for a drive withouut our ids or cell phones. Sorry Kersten. From now on I'll refrain from getting completely trashed when you're completely sober.
Before all of that we went to this club and I met this really hot guy in the cab who loved my boobs, but he turened out to be an arrogant jerk who "doesn't chase after girls" and didn't like the way I "ran away from him" when I got out of the cab. And he didn't like the fact that I took so long to come to talk to him at the bar. It was so stupid because he could have evry easily come to talk to me. I just have a way of attracting the arrogant ones though.
Oh yeah and the night before that I went to a club with just Kersten and met some guy that I spent quite some time making out with. I was supposed to call him the next night, but I didn't so oh well.
One more thing I forgot to mention, Friday, while BRandon was at work Kersten and I decided to spend the afternoon learning to "walk it out" It was so funny. I think that Zachary and Emo probably thoguth we had los our minds. We didn't quite get the steps down but it was fun trying to. Doing stupid stuff like that is what I miss the most about living with Kersten.

SO anyway, now I'm back to reality, and my normal routine. Wake up at 5:30, get to work at 7, leave work at 6:30, go home, nap, eat dinner, watch tv and then go back to sleep. I would much rather be back in nowheresville doing nothing all day hanging out with Kersten. But oh well. This is what growing up is all about.

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