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5:06 p.m. - 03/03/2007
Some damn good news!!!!
So, I just got some awesome news! There is a very strong possibility that Mr. Joseph Greene, one of my favorite people in the entire world is moving to baltimore after he graduates!!! yay! How awesome would that be if we could resume our late night movies and conversation after he graduates! I miss that so much! I can talk to him about anything. SO let's keep our fingers crossed that his job interview goes well!

And guess waht else? I just got in contact with one of my oldest friends through myspace, Ashley Hawkins. We were best friends from like 2nd grade to 10th grade when we just lost contact with each other. Now that I'm back in DC we're definately gonna hang out!

So today was good news all around. Only bad thing is that tomorrow I have to leave my lima frijole to go back to DC. I'm gonna miss her so much! But I've already decided that now that I haveFriday's off monthly visits are a must!

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