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12:10 a.m. - 02/28/2007
hangin out in FLW
So, I finally made it to Ft. Leonard Wood to visit my Lima! I'm here until next sunday and I'm having a great time (despite the lack of interesting things to do in this town)! I've missed kersten so much. Friday night when I got here we went out to this bar with a friend of hers. it was fun and I got drunk but it wan't really our scene. My fake wedding ring came in handy becasue we kept getting hit on by losers. It's really funny becasue I'm not married and I have a ring, and Kersten is married, but she doesn't wear a ring. Saturday we went to a better club but unfortunately we weren't drunk at the club. We ddin't get drunk until we got back to her house. We rode back from the club in a cab with a guy we saw get tackled by bouncers and get kicked out of the club because he was so drunk, and from what i can remember a rather attractive, rather pleasant army man. He was talking to us in the cab and after we got out Kersten started kicking herself for not inviting him back to drink with us so i could have a hook up. lol But oh well. No to make matters worse on the whole drunken situation, we were drunk on jagerbombs, so the red bull had us completely wired. We ended up staying up all night listening to loud music, making harassing phone calls, dressing up in brandon's army stuff. It was sooo much fun! We've got some crazy pictures that I can't wait to post. Brandon is surprisingly tolerant of our insanity, whihc is how I know they're a good match lol. Oh and guess waht I forgot to mention? Kersten got me a Dooney and Bourke bag for my graduation/ xmas/b-day! (haha the word of the day was consolidation) I absolutely love it! It's one of the really cute colorful ones that she calls gay.
So tomorrow we're gonna get matching tatoos. We've decided on a vampire ankh with a black rose. I can't wait to actually have the tatoo, but I'm not looking forward to the pain.

On another completely unrelated note, I've really been missing having a certain man in my life. he's still a part of my life, but not as big of a part as he used to be, and I hate that. I hate all of he complicated stuff that keeps yanking us apart just when I think we're gonna be together. I just wish that we lived in the same location, and we could see each other every day, and I could go to sleep in his arms just like I used to. Lately every thing's been reminding me of him, probably because of that encounter we just had. I just can't wait to kiss him again. I absolutely love the chemistry we have.

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