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8:27 a.m. - 02/20/2007
Almost and Finally
So, first things first. This weekend I almost did something wonderfully stupid. Wonderful because it brought me closer to the love of my life. Stupid because now the timing just isn't right. And even though I didn't do this wonderfully stupid thing, almost doing it changed my life just a little, for the better.

Next, I'd like to announce that this Friday I am finally goign to visit my best friend in the entire world, Kersten! I'm so excited! I've been planning this trip since December and it just kept getting pushed back because of work, but I finally just bought the plane ticket so I had no choice but to take off of work or lose my money. So for 10 days I will be stirring up trouble with my partner in crime in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. I'm sure we're gonna drive poor Brandon crazy staying up all night getting drunk and blasting Ashley Simpson! lol I still can't believe that in just 3 short day I will be there! And I'm really looking forward to my week off of work, although my office is going to miss me teerribly. They are all in a panic about what to do without me. :)

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