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12:20 p.m. - 02/13/2007
B-day weekend
So, the b-day weekend was fun. I got trashed at Local 16 on Friday night thanks to Trisha. I had fun at Dave & Buster's Saturday night. And I enjoyed dinner at Fridays on Sunday night. My brother also made me a black forest cake that was delicious, but he got upset becuase it fell apart. I got a new printer dock for my new digital camera, xbox live, some games for my xbox, a wireless headset, and an excercise bike. It's funny b/c they told me they got this stuff for me right after christmas, b/c its stuff i wanted but didn't get for xmas, and i said how did they know i wouldn't buy it for myself since i have a job now. And they said they figured I'd just drink my money away lol. So anyway, that's my weekend in a nutshell. I missed spending my b-day with Danny and Kersten, but i still had fun.
I also spoke to Mr. Not-so-wonderful on my b-day, and it made me so happy just to hear his voice. But I think I've decided that I'm over him. As much as I love him, I can't just sit around wasting my life away waiting for him to change.

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