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5:15 p.m. - 03/27/2007
the difference a week makes
So exactly one week ago I was completely bummed out for no reason whatsoever. Today I am anything ut depressed. I'm really excited about my trip to Tallahassee this weekend. I talked to William earlier and he and I are gonna have a play day on Thursday lol. and we might possible get tattooed together, in Tampa, which is another reason to be excited. I really miss having William as my roommate. I miss his music, and his cooking, and painting on the balcony, watching gilmore girls and family guy, going to all saints, and knitting, papier macheing giant squids made out of chicken wire lol, and lots of other random stuff. I feel like life was always an adventure having him as my roommate
I'm also really excited about the possiblity of Joe moving here after he graduates and working for PTO. Joe is one of my favorite people in the world and I would love to live near him again so we can stay up late watching movies and drinking wine and talking about history and literature.
And then there's my upcoming trip to Tampa to visit a 'friend' who I haven't seen in a while, that has also got me excited.
So yeah life has definately become a whole lot better this week.

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