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12:13 p.m. - 04/03/2007
drunken adventures in tallahassee
So my trip to Tallahassee was awesome. I picked the perfect weekend to come. It just so happened that it was the weekend of the beer olympics! But lets back up a bit to Thursday when I got there. There were drunken shenanegans every day and I don't want to leave any of it out. So Thursday after lunch I got drunk with William, Tiffany, and the new roommate Lenny. William, Lenny and I decided to have a water balloon fight, whihc wasn't that successful since the balloons kept bouncing off of everyone, but it was still fun. Then William, Tiffany, James and I went to Chubbys. Which was boring and had terrible drinks. After chubby's we dropped william off and went to bullwinkles. Much more fun, especially since by that time I was trashed. So when I get home I end up hooking up with Lenny, which was kind of weird since it was in jacob's old room, on jacob's old bed. but whatever. After that drunken Lenny decided to wake William up so we could have a slumber party. And we pretty much just drove william crazy until like 5 in the morning. Not so much me, as lenny, i just didn't do anything to stop it. There was singing of the song that doesn't end, there was nudity, there was humping, there was shot taking, and all kinds of craziness, whihc william would like to think never happened, becuase it he knew it did happen, then he couldn't be our freind anymore, lol. Oh and apparently I called Danny at like 4 in the morning.
Friday night involved more drinking, and we went to clydes. and guess who went with us? Josh. Unfortunately he didn't get too drunk so we didn't get to see drunk josh, but quiet josh was just fine. we talked about how much we miss our Michelle. I also saw Adam. He came to town for the beer olympics. After clydes, i was drunk again, and I finally hooked up with Curtis. After that I hung out with drunken Lenny and his drunken friend in the living room and i convinced them to strip down to thier boxers. It was a really funny scene, me sitting across the room from them in a chair, and them sitting beside each other on the couch in thier boxers because I lied and pretended i would take off my clothes if they took off theirs. William walked in the door and demanded they put thier clothes back on and let them know how rediculous they looked.

Saturday was the best day! it was the beer olympics! They started at 2 pm. Tiffany and I were a team and we called ourselves the "boobie brigade" We made t shirts and everything. So the first even was beer pong, and surprisingly we actually won our first game, but we lost the other 2. the next event was the shuttle run, this entailed running a set distance, chugging a beer and running back. this was the first event people threw up in. After that was the triathalon. In this we had to get a ball in a cup(like beer pong) spin a quarter and drink a cup of beer, but we could only drink while it was spinning, if it stopped we had to spin again, then bounce the quarter into the glass. next there was the crazy bat game, where we had to chug a beer, put a bat against the ground and our head against the bat, spin around 10 times, then run up a hill and back down again. Surprisingly i kicked ass at this event. I didn't fall once. I was so proud of myself. next was leap frog. and the last even was daas boot, where we had to chug a glass boot full of beer.
It was alot of fun. Joe passed out on the lawn which was hilarious. After the games were done I went to momos with joe and adam. It was so much fun hanging out with bacardi and cola again. They are so much fun. I miss adam so much, and I miss joe too, but hopefully he's moving to dc when he graduates so i'll get to see him all the time. After that we went back to sarah and rory's and hung out there for a while. I enjoyed hanging out there. I missed our little foursome of faux coupledom lol.

Sunday William and I started drinking around 3 and we just hung out around the apt. Tiffany and james came over and we went to the pool for a little while. Then they left and william left and i went back to the apt and had some more drinks with lenny. well i had more drinks while he finsihed his homework. Later Tiffany, James and I went to Bullwinkles. I was determined to get laid that night, but none of my prospects showed up :( so i had to go home alone and I passed out on the couch because i was so drunk.
And that was my trip to tally. SO much fun. I wish so much that I still lived there. It sucks being in dc away from all of my friends. Have I mentioned how much growing up sucks?

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