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1:04 p.m. - 04/04/2007
Corona and Bob's love connection
So we've deduced that Corona mated with a Florida bobcat and that is how Sibby and Nathaniel were concieved. They each weigh about 20 lbs but don't have an ounce of fat on them, they have much sharper teeth and claws than the other cats and thier paws are huge. If you think about it, it's quite possible considering the fact that when we got a pregnant Corona we drove like an hour and a half out into the middle of the woods to get her. She was an outdoor cat, so she could have very well made a love connection with a bobcat in those woods. It's the only thing that makes sense, and it explains Nathaniel's superb hunting skills. Corona's 2nd litter that was concieved while she was living with me at UC (meaning they were the result of her mating with a local stray) don't have those crazy traits. They have normal teeth and claws and the only one who weighs close to that amount is Fellow, who is 14lbs, but he is actually fat.

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