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9:53 a.m. - 04/05/2007
Those damn HUD ID people
So I'm super annoyed right now because apparently there's some more bullshit goign on with my work ID. It wasn't enough that it took them a year and a day to actually issue it to me and I had to sign in every frickin day, but now theres something else I need to get done apparently. Why the hell didn't they do it when they did my background check? And until wahtever gets done I have to sign in every morning again! Oh and by the way, the bastards can't even tell me what the hell needs to get done because the systems down or some bullshit like that. And that's exactly what it is: bullshit. Those damn id people sit on thier assess all day not doing shit. If they did their job then stupid stuff like this wouldn't keep happening to me. They would have processed everything for me at once and not waited 3 months later to tell me something else needs to be done!

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