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10:59 a.m. - 04/06/2007
What is a skank?
So upon reading my older diary entries to catch up on all things Leandria, a friend of mine asked me what exactly a skank was, since I used that term quite often back during that dark time of my life when I was dealing with Jacob and his skank. So here's the official definition according to and some examples of it used in sentences. For those of you who have met Fatimah Harper, I think I picked a pretty accurate word to describe her, right? She had all of these qualities.

1. Skank

A derogatory term directed towards females, usually young, suggesting sluttiness, lack of hygiene, poorness, cruelty, tackiness, or use of drugs/alchohol/cigarettes . Can be used towards any race.

At the party, Christine gave head to half the guys there. She's such a skank.

Regina is such a skank. She trashed all of Lindsay's notebooks, stole Maria's boyfriend, and turned the whole school against everyone in the math club. I hate her.

Do you see Amber, snapping her gum and flirting with every guy in that tight hot pink leather top? She's such a skank.

At the party, the usual happened. Victoria drank like a whore, did cocaine and smoked pot, and never let a cigarette out of her mouth. The skank.

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