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11:43 a.m. - 04/10/2007
yay for Lea the new GLT monitor
So it's official! I'm gonna be working at the zoo as a golden lion tamarin monitor! I had my interview yesterday and got the position and am so excited about it! Not only does it give me the chance to actually do feild work in what I want to do, but it also gives the opportunity to make important contacts to help me get into the animal sciences program at UMD and to further my career in this feild. The guy I interviewed with did UMDs animal sciences program and he told me that a lot of people from that program work at the zoo and that I would be at a definate advantage when I apply because of this experience. So yay for Lea! Training is May 5th and I start sometime the next week! I can't wait! Oh and I told him about my interest in fishing cats and he said that soon the zoo is goign to start an observation program on the ones they have there and that after the tamarin program is over I would have the chance to work in that one if I wanted to. SO this is all very exciting!

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