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11:24 a.m. - 04/12/2007
Regina gets things done
So I just had to take some time out of my day to say how much I love my boss Regina. SHe is just so awesome. So remember that ID issue I was bitching about last week? Well I tried to wait it out and deal with the people myself even though it seemed no one could help me. Today I mentioned to Regina that I didn't have my ID becasue she asked me to do something that required me to have it and within an hour I have it back. She went to the head of admin who walked up to the ID place with me and had them find what was wrong with my file. It was so stupid. All of the trouble was becasue their office didn't have a copy of my resume. Why the hell didn't they just call HR or admin to get it? It's not like all the offices are in different buildings or anything.
So that's just one of the many reasons why I love my supervisor and continue to work hard at my job in Public Housing Investments when I want to eventually be an animal Behavioralist. She told me that if I ever have any problem with anything let her know and she'll take care of it b/c I'm such a great employee.

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