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Currently listening to: Bandages - Hot Hot Heat

Current Mood: overwelmed

4:10 p.m. - 05/03/2007
Emotional stew
Have you ever had one of those experiences where you've just got some kind of emotion building up and building up inside of you and theres really nothing you can do about it and then all of a sudden something small happens and you snap. That just happened to me. Its not even just a build up of sadness, its just a build up of raw emotion. I've been feeling confused and angry and anxious, and excited and hopeful and somewhat sad about my whole relationship situation all day, well really since sunday night, and theres no way for me to get rid of these feelings,nothing for me to do to let them out and its so frustrating, they're just forming this nasty unhealthy stew thats ready to boil over. ANd then just now I was on the phone with my mom and she was being an immature bitch per usual and saying that she wasn't goign to do something that she told me she would do because i didn't want her to talk to joe on the phone because i was afraid she would scare him off (which she would). So anyway, we're arguing (well as much as we can considering the fact that we're at work) and when we get off the phone and she's still ebing a stubborn bitch all these tears form in my eyes and I have to run to the bathroom to hide because I can't control them. So it seems like I'm crying because i just had an annoying conversation with my mother when in actuality i know that its the result of all these mixed emotions.
Anyway, I'm still on the verge of tears and trying to control them while at work so i thought maybe writing this out might help get rid of them. It's really embarassing.

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