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Currently listening to: Bunny aint no kind of Rider - by Of Montreal

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9:58 a.m. - 05/07/2007
you know sometimes when I actually take time out to listen to the things I say I amaze myself. Stephanie is really on point when she says I'm a hot/cold person and that is probably the reason why I'll never be able to settle down. My feelings towards the men in my life fluctuate so quickly I can't even keep track of it. One guy's the love of my life, my future husband one minute then a couple hours later I get a call from him and ignore it because I find him annoying and don't want to talk to him. And this comes out of no where its not like he's been ringing my phone off the hook or done anything to annoy me, I'm just no longer in the mood to like him. Then I'm all about the other guy and how much passion there is between us and how right things feel when we're together, then when I finally talk to him I'm less than thrilled and have that what do you want attitude. Seriously it's terrible, if you spend a couple hours on the phone talking to me you can actually see these transitions. In the first hour I'll probably be all about how woderful my future hubby is and how we're gonna have this perfect little life together and beautiful children. Then out of no where I'll start talking about my ex and how great he is and the person on the phone will be like waht about your future hubby and I'll call him annoying.
But anyway, I'm rambling now. So I'll stop. The point is I'm very unstable when it comes to love and relationships. I guess I get bored too easily. I need someone who can really sweep me off of my feet so all i want is him.

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