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Currently listening to: Heartbeats - The Knife

Current Mood:

12:48 p.m. - 05/07/2007
my special someone
I want a guy who will make grand gestures to show me how much he loves me. I mean something crazy and impulsive like tatooing my name on his body. I want someone who I can do impulsive things with. Someone exciting and irrational who lives in the moment and will do something like run around naked in the rain with me. Someone who will kiss me when I least expect it and surprise me with cigarettes and beer instead of candy and flowers. I want someone who will embarrass me in public places with the crazy unpredictable things he does. Someone who will stand on his car in a crowded parking lot and shout out how much he loves me. Someone who will cook me gormet vegetarian meals (or at least try to) even though he's a meat eater. Someone who will listen to me ramble on about nonsense for hours at a time and not miss a word I say. Someone whose world will revolve around me, and who will love me and all of my imperfections.

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