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Currently listening to: Elevator - Hot Hot Heat

Current Mood: discontent

11:50 a.m. - 05/08/2007
Here I go again. Feeling all bummed out and icky(for lack of a better word) for no reason whatsoever. There's absolutely no reason why I should feel this way but I do. MAybe it's the unstable whether patterns again. After enjoying a week of actual spring weather in DC with sunshine and all, it has gone back to being cloudy all the time with highs that are only in the 60s. Or maybe its the fact that the one year anniversery of my hospitalization is coming up. I don't know. I doubt its either of those things. It just really sucks. It's not such a bad feeling that its unbearable and i wouldn't even really categorize it as being depressed. It's more of an uncomfortable feeling. I feel like I could cry if I wanted to but I don't have to. It's this generalized discontent thing again. It just makes no sense. I'm starting my zoo job the first weekend in june (I had my training this past weekend) and I'm excited about that. I'm goign to tampa next week and I'm excited about that. Joe's moving here in August and I'm excited about that. So with all of this great stuff about to happen, why do I feel so crappy. Oh well, that's life I guess. Hopefully this feeling will go away tomorrow.

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