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Currently listening to: You owe me and IOU - Hot Hot Heat

Current Mood: random

8:13 a.m. - 05/10/2007
random thoughts
So the other night I had a very weird/scary dream. I feel like it was a premonition warning me not to go to Tampa next week, but its too late. The plane ticket is already purchased, my leave at work is already approved, I'm definately going. But yeah that dream tried to tell me that only bad things will come from this trip. But I'm not gonna dwell on it or take it too seriously. I am looking forward to this trip and can't wait til I get there.

On a totally different and completely shallow note I have managed to find a style that suits my haircut, so no more bad hair days for me. I've even found some product that prevents my curls from frizzing up on those oh so humid days.

More completely random news. I've gone back to vegetarianism in it's purest form. The way I was before I met Kersten and she showed me the delicious yet oh so fattening way of cheese quesadillas. I've been eating what everyone else calls rabbit food. Alternating between salad, and raw vegitables for lunch, fruit for breakfast, and for dinner I have whatever my mom cooks, which is usually like a normal dinner,but she substitues the meat with some boca, morningstar or quorn product. It's pretty awesome that I've gotten her and my brother hooked on the vegetarian stuff so much that they never use real meat to cook anymore.

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