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Currently listening to: she paints me blue - somthing corporate.

Current Mood: nervous anticipation

8:10 a.m. - 05/11/2007
the time is getting closer
So it's getting closer and closer to Tuesday and I couldn't be more excited. And the thing is I don't really know why. I feel like I might be building this up to be a lot better than it actually is going to be and that I'm goign to end up being very disappointed. Disappointment was a pattern in our relationship so I trained myself to never expect anyhting from him, which is why I think we still talk and Stephanie can't stand him. If you never expect anything you can't be disappointed. SO I'm gonna try to force myself to not even think about it. Just go and see what happens. No expectations (well aside from great sex of course), no anything. I'm just going to visit a friend, take a break from work and bask in the wonderful Florida sun, which is perfect because that gorgeous tan I got last time I was in tally is starting to fade.

Meanwhile the time is also getting closer to when Joe is moving to DC. I'm also very excited about that. I've got about 12 bottles of wine in my room from my wine club and no one to drink it with. I was thinking about drinking it before I go out so that I won't have to buy as many drinks at clubs, but this is actually good wine and I want to actually enjoy it, not just chug it back to get a quick buzz and Joe's the only person I know who can appreciate good wine. And I really miss watching movies with him and just talking about random stuff with him.

So on another random note Andre's coming into town again this weekend for mother's day and we're gonna go out and get trashed again tonight. BTW did I mention what happened last week when we went to his mom's office? She was completely trashed and it was hilarious. She called me girlfriend and said she wanted to beat trisha up. As we left her and she was sloppily fumbling for her car keys to drive home she slurred to us to make sure one of us didn't drink so that we would have a dd for the night. I was a little concerned about her driving, but andre insisted that it was ok and she did make it home safely.

Oh yeah and yesterday I realized that I'm an accountant and it sucks. Sure on occasion they give me letters to write, proofread, or rewrite if it was originally assigned to one of the crappy writers on the staff, but for the most part I deal with grant management and stuff. I don't know why this just hit me. Regina is an accountant and since 2004 i've been working mainly for her and not Virginia so it makes since that she's gonna give me accounting work.

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