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Currently listening to: Break myself - something corporate

Current Mood: sad

7:45 a.m. - 05/14/2007
never good enough
So my weekend pretty much sucked, well Friday was fine but Sat and especially Sunday sucked. Saturday only sucked because I made a terrible attempt to dye my hair and it looks less than great right now. Sunday, mother's day sucked, because apparently nothing I do is good enough and I'm a terrible daughter. Even though I went out and actually bought my mother thoughtful gifts and spent like an hour printing out over 100 pictures of her cats and using all of my ink and photo paper, apparently I'm a terrible daughter. We had a trip to the movies followed by dinner afterwards. My treat for dinner, Larry's treat for the movies, (oh and did I mention he didn't even bother to buy her anything?) so after the movie I ask like 50 times what restaurant they want to go to not to mention that I had been asking all week, and no one is answering. They tell me its my decision, which makes no sense because 1) it was for mother's day so she should have chosen the restaurant, and 2) even though I'm a vegetarian, they are much more picky eaters than I am. I like exotic foods and nice restaurants, they like boring stuff like fridays and silver diner. SO anyway I suggest going to la tasca and we get there and they look at the menu and don't want to go. So I once again ask them where they want to go. Once again no answer, so we go home. ANd my mom gets pissed at me. I was so upset when I got home that I burst into tears. I didn't want anyone to see me crying so I went to my room. I was planning on cooking dinner but by the time I came out of my room, whihc was only like 10 minutes later, my mother had already started so of course I get attitude about that form her and my brother yells at me. Then finally around 11 my brother tells me that I'm supposed to play a board game with her. I don't feel like it because its late and I have work in the morning but I agree to anyway. Then I go downstairs and expect to find him and her setting up the game and he's in his room with no intention of playing even though she wanted to play something that only the 2 of them are good at like that star wars game or something. He gets an attitude and won't play so needless to say that game didn't happen and somehow I ended up looking like the bad person. Then this morning she got an attitude with me for not taking off of work today like I normally do. I asked herr if she wanted me to do something and told her I would stay home if she did but she just got an attitude and said forget it. She's gonna be pissed when she realizes I'm leaving tomorrow. But whatever, I can't wait to get away form her and her bitchiness. Nothing I do is ever good enough and no matter what I do she'll always see me as a failure. I think I really need to consider moving out because living with her is just too upsetting. Just thinking about it is making me tearyeyed.
I can't beleiev I'm leaving for Tampa tomorrow. I haven't even started packing and I need to do laundry. Maybe I'll cut out of work early again today to get some stuff done.

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