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Currently listening to: Nothing Better - The Postal Service

Current Mood: Bouncy

2:56 p.m. - 05/14/2007
A point system, and no such thing as a happy ending
I've come up with a brilliant point system to aide me in my ever so important decision making. I'll talk about it more when I've tried it out and worked out any kinks.

I also made a list of the pros and cons of each side Michelle style during my lunch break today. Guess which side won. But who knows things can always change in a moment. Waht it really comes down to is actuality vs. potential , passion vs. intellectual stimulation, desire vs. convenience, the past vs. the present, fun vs. responsibility. And if you really think about it no one ever says out with the new and in with the old.

And on a final note I would like to share a bit of wisdom I picked up from my new book "You know your life is a soap opera if" (yeah I know I'm a dork but hey it's got some good words of wisdom in it)
So here it is :
"There is no such thing as a happy ending. As long as the story continues so will the drama."

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