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7:30 p.m. - 05/18/2007
A Blast from the past
SO I was googling leakerjen cause I was bored and I found Jenn's old online diary and was quite tickled by this entry. so I decided to post it.

Monday, August 11, 2003
2:59AM - Time for an update

Well, it's been a long time since I have really taken the time to sit down and write about what's been going on. Things in Tally are pretty good. However, I do believe Kersten, Lea, and I have lost our minds. In the past month we have moved from my old apartment to Lea's apartment, back to my old apartment and now we are back at Lea's. We're planning on moving to High Park this Thursday...we'll have the best address ever...1111 High Road...pretty sweet huh? Anyway, we don't have a TV hooked up in the living room right now, so we have been forced to create our own entertainment. Besides doing a lot of swimming, we have all recently developed noises that we constantally make. We're like a band...that doesn't play music...and sounds pretty crappy...okay, so maybe we aren't like a band...but once Kersten starts with her "BOMP BOMP" I chime in with my "MEEP" and Lea follows with her "SWOOOOOCH." (Like I said, I think we've lost our minds) But this isn't our fault...our apartment has recently been invaded by two kinds of creatures...flies and cats! Now, no one really knows why we have these flies...we keep our apartment clean...but just like the mold in the apartement...they just suddenly appeared. As far as the cats go...well, Corona ho'ing around is to blame for that. She had 6!! YES 6!! kittens. We now have a total of 8 cats running around the apartment 24/7...that's enough to drive anyone insane.

Anyway, school is about to start...I got two classes I really like....ones a history, and of course the other is a politics class. Kersten, Lea, and I are planning a trip to Costa Rica soon. We're going to brush up on our surfing skills. Anyhoo that's about it.

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