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Currently listening to: The sound of settling - death cab for cutie

Current Mood: disappointed

8:20 a.m. - 06/05/2007
I want you..... Well at least I think I do
You know that "no such thing as a happy ending" quote I got from my soap opera book. So true. It seems like every time I finally get what I want something else happens to make me question whether or not that was really what I wanted in the first place. Rewind to a year ago today and that thing that I am unsure of whether I want or not would have been the best thing in the world to me. It would have been something so great I would have never believed it would happen. And now I'm not sure that i want it because i feel like its holding me back form other things. I hate having to make decisions. I wish someone would just make them for me. Or I wish they were easier. I guess technically there's nothing wrong with being stuck in limbo there's no real pressure from either side to make a decision but I want to make a decision. I'm sick of being confused about what it is that I really want. I wish I could go back and do things just a little differently but then if I did and changed just the slightest thing there's so much that I would have missed out on. I wish this whole situation would just work itself out and I have a feeling its going to but I also hear the sound of settling in my future and I definately don't like that sound.

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