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Current Mood: exhausted

10:01 a.m. - 06/19/2007
You're the only one I'm willing to lose sleep for
So I'm very tired right now b/c last night around 1 am I heard my phone ringing b/c i was getting a text message and recognized the ring tone as someone i'm always delighted to hear from. So I spent like an hour texting him and as a result missed out on the good night's sleep that I so desperately needed. It's okay though because like I said I'm always delighted to hear from him.
So next Wed. I'm going to Tally to visit my Lima who is subleasing my apt for a summer session. I wanted to go monday for her b-day and stay the whole week but ticket prices were ridiculously expensive. I cna't wait to get there though, We're gonna party like rockstars. And on the 18th of July I'm going to Tampa to visit one of my favorite people ever, and Tiffany and James who are moving there this Saturday. I'm really excited about them moving there becuase it gives me an excuse to go down there more often. Tiffany thinks I should definately move there. I'm considering it. But I've just got too much going on up here to just up and move. Especially with my other favorite person ever moving here in August.

So overall I've got a lot to look forward to in the next few months. Trip to Tally next week. Trip to Tampa in July. Joe moving here in August. Oh and I'm goign to Disney with my fam in Aug too. Maybe looking forward to these trips will help me through my daily hatred for my job.

But speaking of jobs, I started at the zoo yesterday. It was exhausting! When I got home I slept for like 5 hours. But it was lots of fun. They took the two older twins out of the group so now there are only 6 for us to monitor. They move so quickly and things were pretty hectic since it was the first day. Poor little moe fell about 30 ft onto the concrete. But he recovered. Anyway that's all.

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