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Currently listening to: freak-em dress - beyonce

Current Mood: drunk

2:00 a.m. - 06/23/2007
that bitch cut me
ok so i just got back from a night of drinking with andre and comapny and before i go to bed i just had to write about how that bitch andre cut me. yes that's right my bff sliced my finger open with a plasic knife from mcdonald's. there was blood and everything and it still hurts. so, let's rewind a little bit. Andre and i went to eat then we went to halo for 2 for 1 martini's, then we went to JR's where trisha and stephanie met us. We left Jr's at around 11:30 because we were all tired since we had started so early and sod of at mcdonalds o get fd gotmy frt an walnut sladwhih cmes th a i an fok. didn't use the knife and trisha suggersted i take it with me for protection so i did. and thenwe wennno anotherclub. Andrews irking me so i pulled out he knifejokingly and pretended klike i was gonna cut himn. I don't really know what happened next but there was sme kind of struggle with the knife that ended in the middle finger on my left hand being sliced open and it sucks because it hurts like hell. even as i type. so yeah i'll write more later when i'm sober but i had to tell the story about that bitch cutting me before i went to bed.

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