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Current Mood: depressed

3:42 p.m. - 06/24/2007
save me
Have I mentioned how much I hate my life lately? I think its my job. Yeah it's good mmoney but it makes me miserable. I would do anything to be a college student again. Not have to worry about all of the troubles that come with life and being in the real world. I stayed home from work on thursday and friday just because i couldn't drag myself out of bed to go and do stuff i hate.
I want to just run away from it all. Like maybe when i go to tally next week just not coming back. I wish. I wish i had a prince charming who would come and save me from myself. Rescue me from this misery. I would cry, but thst doesn't do anything to help. And the next thing that comes to mind is that nasty little habit i used to have that left me with many un wated scars, but again that would really solve nothing. SO i've just got to sit here and suffer. Suck it up and go on with my miserable existance.

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