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Currently listening to: It isn't easy

Current Mood: discontent

8:09 a.m. - 06/26/2007
oh how i wish all my wishing would stop
Yes that's right. I still hate my life. I still hate my job. I wish I was happy. I wish I was done with grad school and worked full time in a job I enjoyed. Even though i have to be at the zoo early, I have no problem getting out of bed because it's something i enjoy doing, and I usually stay later than I have to after my shift is done. I wish i could do stuff like that full time. I'm back in the office today and after an hour I'm already about ready to slit my wrists. (figuratively of course, not literally) I got "yelled at" for not getting my time in on time. But how the hell am I supposed to get my time in when I'm out of the office. Whatever. and I didn't really get yelled at, I was just told to never again leave on a friday without giving her my time.

On the bright side I'm going to tally on Wed. Hopefully that will bring me out of this mood I'm in where I hate everything about my life. I can't wait to see Kersten and get drunk with her and stir up some trouble.
OH and I got some news that made me smile yesterday. A certain ex enemy of mine (I say ex enemy because frankly I could care less about her anymore and only found this out because a friend of mine still likes to be nosy sometimes)but anyway, she's probably feeling realy stupid right now because something happened that gives me the right to say I told you so and makes her look like an idiot.

Moving on from that I think I'm in love with the wrong person. Half of my friends hate him, he's done me wrong in the past, and i guess I did him wrong too, but he's all I can think about. He's that thing in my life that makes me forget all the bad stuff and makes me smile when I'm feeling really crappy, like I have been for the past week. Just a text message from him saying something stupid like "I'm better than you" brightens up my day. I just wish I knew what to do about it.

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