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Currently listening to: You're so Damn Hot - OK Go

Current Mood: Excited

8:26 a.m. - 06/27/2007
a series of slightly unfortunate events can't ruin my chipper mood
So I'm so excited about going to tallahassee today and seeing my Lima and Joe and Danny! It's gonna be so much fun! Even though I've gone through a series of slightly unfortunate events in the past 24 hours, I'm completely out of that blah mood I've been in for the past week or so. So my unfortunate events: 1st I lost my debit card, my credit card and my smart trip card so I have no access to money unless I actually go into the branch which I'm not gonna do. But I guess it's kind of good b/c it limits my spending. Next there were issues with my return flight from tallahassee back home so as of right now I have no return flight. I'm gonna book it when I get to tally tonight with Lima's card since I don't have one to book it with. Also I put too much product in my hari last night and didn't allow it all to dry so my hair is frizzier than I would like it to be and the humidity here definately doesn't help. I wouldn't call it a bad hair day but yesterday I had a great frizz free hair day so I was hoping for that again today. Then i woke up at the crack of dawn to get to the airport before work and check in my bags so I wouldn't have to lug them to work and guess waht? I cna't check them in until 10, so I had to lug them back to work anyway. Oh and when I got to work and went through security they confiscated the bottle of wine I had in my bag. Not really confiscated because when I leave the building I can get it back, but they wouldn't let me actually bring it in the office. SO now I'm at work. I've got a ton of work to get done since I won't be here thurs or fri so i guess I'll get to it. I hope I can manage to get everything done.
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention I think I'm going to call my engagement off. Probably a good thing considering the fact that I'm in love with someone else. ;)
I'm a bad hearted boy trap baby!

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