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Currently listening to: This is why I'm Hot

Current Mood: bouncy

10:31 a.m. - 07/05/2007
the adventures of MichLeaKer in Tally (Part 1)
SO I have a whole lot of catching up to do about my wonderful, fabulous, awesome trip to tally this weekend. I guess I'll start at the beginning and try not to leave anything out. Ok so first of all Wed. I was supposed to get in at like 8:30 and we were gonna go out, but unfortunately the stupid weather did delay my flight so I ended up not getting in until around 1 am which sucked cause it was too late to go out by that time. At least I didn't have to catch a cab from the airport though. Joe was still nice enough to give me a ride even though he was hanging out with his friends and it was so late.
Thursday Kersten and I went to the mall and did a little shopping. Then I went over and hung out with Joe for a little while. We were supposed to call his mom and talk about decorating his apt in DC, but we ended up just hanging out having some beer, talking and listening to this russian music he has, which is awesome. He made me a copy of the CD. So after I left Joe's I went back to the apt and Kersten and I started drinking to prepare for our night at Bullwinkle's. We got there pretty eary. At like 9:30 and met up with Joseph Joseph and Chris Fecke. Later after Bullwinkle's stopped serving free drinks we went over to poor pauls and met sarah and rory. I don't really remember much about being there except that me and Chris one a game of darts (by cheating)cause we're awesome like that. Then I went home with him and had a great time. FINALLY. lol He's been asking me to go home with him since the day I met him like over a year ago. But William would never let me. He would come knocking on our door and say "Mr. Eng can Lea come out to play please" and I would say " Please Wiliiam just his once, I really want to go" and William would slam the door in his face and yell "NO". Poor star crossed lovers is what we were LOL

Friday Michelle came to town. YAY! Kersten, Michelle, Josh, Mel, jenna and I went to BW3s and had some drinks then we went to Clyde's. I racked up on the free drinks and got super drunk. We had so much fun as we always do at Clyde's. Oh wait let me rewind a little bit. Josh, Michelle, Kersten and I have developed this thing that we do. We've formed a band of sorts called the yes, yes, yes, yes. When one of us goes Yessss! a second one follows with a Yessss! then a third Yessss! then the fourth person say Yessss! And then we repeat. So creative right? But we sound awesome. Ok not really. But it's fun to do and we could go on forever chiming in with a Yessss! But anyway to continue. As Josh, Michelle, Kersten and I were driving back from Clyde's someone suggested we stop and get in Wescott Fountain and of course there was a round of "Yessss! Yessss! Yessss! Yessss!" SO with it all agreed, we parked and got in fully clothed. We pretended we were mermaids, or something like that. I could have stayed in that fountain forever it was so much fun. And who would have thought Josh would have gotten in too! So we're all dripping wet and we decide to go to gumby's to get pizza. I don't know why but while we were sitting there waiting for our pizza, dripping wet leaving a puddle in the middle of the floor Kersten, Michelle and I decided to pick up russian accents and pretend like we were foreign students. It was really funny...Well at least it was to us and that's all that matters. OH and before the russian accents Kersten sang a song about the hot pizza guy.
And Michelle told josh she wanted to do him dirty style which led to Kersten calling her hubby and leaving him a racy message, which led to me texting racy messages to a certain guy.

And that's all for now, I'll continue the adventures in Tally later.

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